14 cities where you can see amazing graffiti

Most of illegal activities are however legal in some countries and states, so they opened their doors for creative artists to express themselves. Afterall, we all have to sit through stupid commercials all around the city and the corporations don’t ask our opinions. So we’ve picked ten spots to visit to look for street art.

14. Valparaíso – Chili

This city is also less known as a street art hotspot. The art is reflected in almost all aspects of the street scene: on the walls, on the stairs, really all corners of the streets are decorated. You won’t have a problem searching, but a good starting point is Templeman Street, near Cerro Alegre.


13. Reykjavik – Iceland

Street art in Reykjavik has been around since its inception. Artist Guido van Helten, from our country, has made works in black and white in the Grandi Harbor, inspired by photos from the city’s photo museum. The most recent works are those of the music festival Iceland Airwaves in collaboration with Urban Nation from Germany, they want to bring together artists and musicians.


12. Łódź – Poland

Perhaps less known, but definitely worth it. The city becomes the cultural center of the country, thanks in part to a huge campaign to promote street art. Many artists have helped to spice up the city. Piotrkowska is the place to be for street art, but in other parts of the city you will also find plenty of beautiful works.


11. Montreal – Canada

This eclectic North American city is a nest of culture; great food, great nightlife and great street arts. Despite graffiti being illegal, street artists are still finding ways to express themselves across the city on a massive scale. “Kids playing in the École Laurier schoolyard (in the heart of the Plateau Mont-Royal neighborhood), like the thousands of daily passersby, probably no longer notice it. But this 95-foot long mural is still one of the finest in all Montréal and one of my favorite since its unveiling in fall 2014.


10. Stockholm Metro Station, Stockholm, Sweden

Officially called “The Gallery”, the metro station has some interesting paintings. It first opened its doors in the early 70s. Its colorful rugged surfaces give a surreal impression of fiery spaces.

Why to go there?

It’s estimated that 90 of 100 stations exhibit works of almost 150 artists. However, the initial goal was to bring the arts to the people through the use of the city’s spaces. The idea has been successful and now this might be the most visited metro system in the world.


9. Bristol, UK

Bristol, the hometown of renowned British street artist Banksy, attracts young creatives from all around the globe. During the summer, Europe’s biggest arts fest takes places in the neighborhoods of Bedminister and Southville.

A hip city has lots of art, music, museums, and friendly people.


8. Berlin, Germany

The city has become a hub for the creative community. There is plenty of space for them to paint: the remains of the Berlin Wall are open for them to create. It’s not uncommon for people to paint walls in small villages in Germany.

Berlin is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. It has been voted one of the best places to live by Lonely Planet. You might be interested in visiting the Berlin Wall, which was built during the Cold War period. It’s one of the most well-known landmarks in Germany. Paintings on it often reflect political atmosphere.


7. Buenos Aires, Argentina

The city has a truly diverse and rich graffiti scene. You can visit mural sites where you can see some of the most amazing pieces of street artwork. And there are even guided tours that take you around the best muraels. It’s a chance to get involved with the local urban culture and meet artists who live and breathe their work.

The beautiful city offers so much to see and experience. From romantic evenings at a Tango cafe, to hip urban scenes, that can be enjoyed for days.


6. Sao Paulo, Brazil

The city has the most exciting nightlife spots, where champagne flows freely, where people dance like they’re doing samba, bossa, and more. There are thousands of clubs, restaurants and entertainment centers making it a cultural hub. And, it probably has the greatest street art scene in all of Brazil.

It sometimes seems that no one knows anything but they’re always having a good time! Artists from Brazil express their political opinions in these works.


5. Paris, France

There’s glitter and glamour in the heart of the French capital, but there’s an equally vibrant urban landscape too. And if you think Paris is the place where you can find some political critique, then Barcelona has got a lot to offer!

You should visit Paris at least once. Meanwhile, if you’re looking for a city break, consider visiting one of the cities where you won’t be recognized by anyone.


4. Los Angeles, USA

A second city, where there is a dark side behind the glamourous façade. Hollywood is just one aspect of the city; it’s home to various groups of people. There’s art everywhere, from the silver screens to the underground, which is visible through colorful and strong graffiti art.

Find out about Los Angeles, which is unlike any place else, where one can find both sparkling celebrities’ lives and dark art scenes.


3. Bogota, Colombia

Graffiti art is legal in most parts of the city. It’s a good place to practice your artistic skills. And because there are so many historical buildings in the city, it provides an ideal environment for young aspiring painters to develop their talents.

You can expect to find unexpected things in Bogota.


2. Melbourne, Australia

It seems that the town is a graffiti hub in Australia. Recently, it has attracted the attention of the whole planet because it develops a really unique street art.

The mix of different cultural influences is apparent throughout the city.


1. New York, United States

The cultural centre of the planet, the city produces the latest fashion, music and style, while the whole planet follows. You can be sure that you’ll find some of the most incredible and unique street art in there.

You must go to New York City at least once in your life. Discover its diverse culture, which has influenced countless artists who live there now.


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