10 examples of graffiti created with Artifical Intelligence

Graffiti has long been a form of artistic expression, with artists using spray paint, markers, and other media to create striking and visually compelling works on the streets and other public spaces. In recent years, artificial intelligence has begun to play a role in the world of graffiti, with the development of AI-powered tools (Midjourney.com) that can generate unique and eye-catching graffiti images.

Try this AI Art Generator called Midjourney:


On midjourney.com you can find a link that directs you to a Discord channel of Midjourney where you can generate images through A.I.

On the site, click on the “Join the beta” button in the middle. After going through the registration process and joining the Discord server, you will be randomly assigned to a channel for newcomers called “newbies-XXX”. The chat in this channel serves as input for the tool. Type “/imagine” in the chat box and a so-called “prompt” will appear. In this prompt, you can type anything you want. For examples please find the images and prompts below this introduction to Midjourney.

After about 30 seconds, this was the output. You will then be given 8 options: V1, V2, V3, V4, U1, U2, U3, U4. The number corresponds to the variations of the prompt from left to right. If you choose VX, you will get a new variation of 4 photos of the image you chose. If you choose UX, you will get an HD version of the photo you chose.

If you want to learn more about MidJourney, there are various official guides, such as this Quick Start Guide for Midjourney.


Our opinion on art created by AI


We’re excited to discuss a new development in the art world that’s been getting a lot of attention lately – the AI art generator, Midjourney. This program uses advanced artificial intelligence algorithms to create visually striking digital art pieces that are undoubtedly unique. While it may seem like an exciting new tool in the art world, we urge you to approach it with caution.

As artists, we know that the journey of creating art is just as important as the finished product. It’s about discovering our unique artistic voice, experimenting with various techniques, and exploring our creativity. While Midjourney may create beautiful artwork, it lacks the human touch and vision that is essential to the art world.

Moreover, the art generated by Midjourney may lack the social and political context that is often seen in street art and graffiti. These forms of art have historically been used to express dissent, spark conversations, and advocate for change. AI-generated art may not have the same emotional resonance or social commentary that human-created art can bring to the table.

So, we encourage you to keep creating your unique art that reflects your personal experiences and vision. While AI-generated art is impressive and eye-catching, it cannot replace the authenticity and individuality that we bring to the table.

Keep pushing boundaries and experimenting with different techniques, and don’t be afraid to take risks and make mistakes. Our voice is vital to the art world, and it’s crucial to keep it heard.

Ready for some examples of the AI art Generator?





This was created by the following prompt: “men holding graffiti spray can and making a throw up on the wall



One way that AI is being used to generate graffiti images is through the use of neural networks and deep learning algorithms. These algorithms are trained on large datasets of graffiti images and styles, and can then generate new images that are similar in style and composition to the ones they were trained on.





This was created with the prompt: “cartoon version of a graffiti wall with the city skyline



One of the benefits of using AI to generate graffiti images is that it can allow artists to quickly and easily create a large number of unique designs. This can be especially useful for artists who are looking to create a series of works or who are working on a large-scale project.



Another advantage of using AI to generate graffiti images is that it can allow artists to explore new styles and techniques that might not be possible using traditional methods. For example, AI algorithms can be trained to mimic the style of a particular artist or to create images with specific themes or motifs.



Of course, there are also some potential drawbacks to using AI to generate graffiti images. One concern is that it could potentially lead to a homogenization of graffiti styles, as artists may be more likely to rely on AI algorithms to create their works rather than developing their own unique styles.





We asked the tool to create a logo for us with this prompt: “logo with the text “graffid” with graffiti and mountains in the background“. Needless to say it’s still learning.



Another concern is that the use of AI in graffiti could potentially lead to a loss of authenticity and a disconnection from the traditional roots of the art form. However, as with any new technology, it will be up to artists and the broader community to determine how AI is used and how it fits into the larger world of graffiti.





This graffiti character was created with the following prompt: “create a wall piece with graffiti character and graffiti alphabet examples realistic as possbile




This graffiti character was created with the following prompt: “graffiti mixed with the future

Overall, the use of AI in graffiti represents a fascinating intersection of art and technology, and it will be interesting to see how it evolves and impacts the art form in the coming years.

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